
The ODU职业高峰论坛 is a drive-in conference that allows recruiters and ODU faculty and staff to interact, 学习, 连接, 并与. 现在, 更甚于以往, it is critical for higher education and the 工作force to align as we prepare students for life after graduation through meaningful experiences both on campus and beyond. This conference addresses critical topics impacting college recruitment and career development and fosters engagement with the premier institution of the Hampton Roads area. 今年的主题是伙伴关系的价值. The conference will feature various sessions to help our employers leverage ODU as a vital source for their talent pipeline and help our faculty/staff effectively support students' career aspirations.

5月10日, 2023 we welcomed approximately 70 representatives from more than 40 companies and more than 50 faculty and staff to the inaugural ODU职业高峰论坛. 这次小型会议的主题是“培养明天的人才”. 我们杰出的主讲人是注册会计师杰森·凯斯. We had many presentations, breakout sessions and panels throughout the day.


  • 日期:2024年5月8日,星期三
  • 时间:上午9点.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • 地点:韦伯大学中心

The ODU职业高峰论坛 is a one day mini-conference that allows recruiters and ODU faculty and staff to interact, 学习, 连接, 并相互交流. The conference will feature various sessions to help our employers leverage ODU as a vital source for their talent pipeline and help our faculty/staff effectively support their students’ career aspirations.


请联系 employers@flcoastline.com 有问题的.  谢谢你!!


9:00am-9:30am            网络、咖啡、 & 办理登机手续


9:45am-10:00am          欢迎 & 介绍


Dr. 布兰迪·赫夫纳·拉班克, 招生部副主任, 业务参与及服务

10:00am-10:30am        主讲人


Sarah Jane Kirkland, Associate Vice President for Corporate 合作伙伴关系

10:30am-11:30am        Academic Insights: Highlighting the Dimensions of ODU 学生 Across Disciplines


主持人:博士. 伊芙琳·阿什利,负责学生参与的高级助理副总裁


  • Dr. Bonnie Van Lunen,健康科学学院院长
  • Dr. 杰弗里·拉康姆猪, 负责本科和研究生教育的副院长, 巴顿工程技术学院
  • John 成本anzo, Chief Admin Officer/Site Manager, School of 网络安全
  • 金伯利·霍恩,人事部 & 达顿教育学院招生专员 & 专业的研究

This panel is an opportunity to hear from academic leaders as they discuss ODU students across diverse disciplines.  Discover how students are immersed in hands-on experiences and research opportunities in and outside of the classroom.  Learn about the current academic initiatives shaping the educational landscape at ODU.  Gain an understanding of the exceptional education ODU provides and how employers can align their recruitment strategies through engagement in academic areas. 

11:45am-1:00pm          午餐 & 网络 


1:10pm-2:00pm            并发会话1

探索职业体验式学习 开发服务 


目标受众:雇主 & 教员/员工

Lisa Moser, Associate Director for Experiential 学习, Career Development     服务s

Experiential 学习ing involves immersing students in hands-on real-world experiences to enhance their skills, 知识, 在他们选择的职业道路上的自我意识.  实施方法可以包括联合课程, 课外, 为学生提供以工作为基础的机会.  Attend this session to explore the 工作-based 学习ing opportunities led by 职业发展服务 and identify future partnerships that range in varying levels of commitment.




Dr. 凯文Muchiri, 研究生和校友项目助理主任, 职业发展服务

What if we could change the culture on campus so that career readiness and employability is everyone’s responsibility? Hear about the new 职业冠军 program that 职业发展服务 is launching! 该项目旨在为冠军们提供这些工具, 资源, and 知识 necessary to guide and empower students in their career exploration and preparation through a comprehensive suite of 工作shops, 资源, 以及社交活动. Participants will enhance their ability to effectively support students in achieving their career goals and aspirations.

释放潜力:投入 & 招募校友,学生运动员和军队附属学生



主持人:博士. 玛丽·史密斯,雇主项目副主任 & 发展、职业发展服务


  • 金伯利·约翰逊,校友关系总监
  • 萨拉·塞万提斯,退伍军人成功教练,军事联系中心
  • Dr. Ronald Moses,执行高级副董事 & 首席多元化官,内部运营 & 学生运动员福利

Do you have targeted recruitment efforts within specific special populations?  听听校友关系的大学专家的意见, 体育运动, and the 军事联络中心 as they speak to their focused population.  Understand the characteristics of these populations and the unique qualities and strengths they bring to the table.  认识到这些人群为您的组织带来的价值.  Learn ways to tailor your recruitment strategies to better engage with these populations.

2:10pm-3:00pm            并发会话2

Transferable Skills: How to guide students and optimize your recruitment efforts


目标受众:雇主 & 教员/员工



A'Jee DeLaigle,企业流动人才招聘专家

深深扎根于全国大学协会 & 雇主(NACE)职业准备能力, 可转移技能是学生开启任何职业道路的关键.  Attend this session to explore how you can help guide a student’s 学习ing experience through transferable skills and how understanding transferable skills can optimize your recruitment efforts.  Gain an understanding of transferable skills through an employer’s perspective.




萨曼莎·柯尼格,学生项目助理主任 & 职业发展服务处主管

Jhanae Williams, Employer Engagement Specialist, 职业发展服务

在当今快节奏的世界, 学生们面临着平衡学业的挑战, 课外, 工作, 还有社交生活. University career services play a pivotal role in guiding students toward fulfilling career paths. However, traditional 办公室 hours often limit accessibility to these crucial 资源. We will delve into the benefits of leveraging our technology and 资源 such as Handshake, Quinncia, goingglobal为学生提供全天候的职业生涯.

了解学生在ODU的职业道路和参与度 机会 with 职业发展服务 and the 我的arch Internship 及合作单位办事处



Lisa Moser, Associate Director for Experiential 学习, 职业发展服务

卡蒂娜·巴恩斯,副主任,君主实习 & 合作社办公室

在ODU发现学生职业道路的完整旅程, from pre-arrival planning to navigating the curriculum and gaining valuable experiences, 所有这些都是为了成功地过渡到劳动力市场.  Learn when and how to best engage with 职业发展服务 and the 我的arch Internship 及合作单位办事处 for maximum benefit.

3:00pm-3:30pm            闭幕词


Dr. 布丽吉特·韦克尔,负责学习的副总裁
